At the request of W5XX, Malcolm Keown, Mississippi Section Manager, the Magnolia Amateur Radio Club hosted the 2022 ARRL Statewide Meeting on October 15. The meeting was held in the pavilion at McKee Park, Starkville, MS, with about 75 people in attendance.
8 AM until 11:30 AM was coffee, doughnuts, and tailgating. Lunch was served at 11:30, and it consisted of homemade soup, chili, and similar offerings provided by MagARC members. W5XX conducted the business meeting at 1:00 PM.
Just prior to lunch, the Magnolia ARC and Lowndes County ARB made a joint presentation to K5FLU, Martin Jue of Starkville. Mr. Jue is celebrating the 50th year of MFJ, the business he started in Starkville in 1972.
Photo, L to R: 55BAK Doug, K5FLU Martin, AG5ND Allen, and K5RFL Caleb. (Photo credit: Tanya Camp)