News — mississippi
Capitol City Hamfest (Jackson) 2023
2023 AMATEUR amateur radio capitol city hamfest FAT CAT HAM RADIO JACKSON MISSISSIPPI MS radio

Capitol City Hamfest, Jackson, MS Jan. 2022
amateur radio capitol city hamfest hamfest jackson ms mississippi

Capitol City Hamfest. I just needed to get that phrase said on the front end, and be done with it. Nobody I know actually calls it that, everyone calls it the "Jackson Hamfest", with no further explanation needed. This is the granddaddy of all Mississippi hamfests, and it (usually) pulls a good crows. Attendance seemed to be down in 2022, but we were just coming out of the pandemic era, and a lot of folks were probably still skittish about getting out in public. A lot of folks were still wearing face masks at the event. This took place in...