News — amateur
Capitol City Hamfest (Jackson) 2023
2023 AMATEUR amateur radio capitol city hamfest FAT CAT HAM RADIO JACKSON MISSISSIPPI MS radio

Cullman, AL Hamfest, July, 2022
AL alabama amateur cullman hamfest radio

The Cullman hamfest has been a staple of the north Alabama radio community for many years. In years past, the hamfest was held in the city civic center, which was torn down several years ago. Supposedly the city was going to build a new civic center, but that effort seems to be slow getting started. The 2022 hamfest was held in Building #1 at the Cullman Fairgrounds. It is a large, metal building with no air conditioning, and the hamfest was held in July. In Alabama. Normally, that would sound like a really bad idea (temps were hovering around 90...