I love vintage gear, especially tube radios. One of the drawbacks to using vintage gear is that often the manufacturer no longer exists, or if they do exist, they no longer support that product. That can create a real problem when trying to find a repair part. Maybe Fat Cat can help with that....
I just added a new category to the Fat Cat website, and it's not the usual "stuff for sale" type gear. This is a category of gear that is being sold as is, for parts only. Most of these is vintage, some are in various stages of disassembly. I've documents each item as well as I can, with whatever info I have in the listing. Photos should answer most questions related to what is there, and what is not.
Pricing is fairly low, to be consistent with the fact that these items are sold as is, for parts only.
Sometimes manufacturers might change a design or parts-used list at a certain serial number split, so I have provided the serial numbers whenever they can be found.
Local pickup is preferred on the heavier units, but I will be glad to ship these as long as you understand that all shipping costs and the cost of the item are not refundable.
Even if you don't need a parts donor unit right now, if you find one here that matches one you have, getting it now, when its cheap and available, might save a lot of grief later when you do need a part and the one here is already sold.
The link to this new category is in the main menu, under the Radios heading. Or, just click here: https://fatcat.parts/collections/parts-only-units