MFJ-9420 20M SSB Transceiver, See Description, For Parts Or Repair
This is a pretty clean trasceiver, but it has some personal problems.
It powers up just fine, and as far as I can tell, it transmits fine.
Reception audio is missing mid-range and higher-range tone. It sounds muddy and overly bassy. The audio is intelligible about 75-80% of the time, but not super clear.
At times the receiving audio would have a "buzz" to it after pressing PTT or using the tuning tone button. Another press of PTT would clear up the buzz. While taking photos, I tested the PTT again, and the buzz was coninuous and did not clear up as it did before.
This comes with no mic and no power supply. The required power supply is 12-15 VDC with a positive center pin, a fairly common power supply in the ham radio world.
If you notice the CW holes on the back of the unit, the CW module was not a stock item, it was an option from MFJ.
This is being sold for parts or repair. No warranty, no return.
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