HEP 241 Vintage Motorola Transistor, Good Pullout
Regular price
One good, pullout Motorola HEP241 transistor.
Most common shipping is by First Class package. Be aware that while First Class used to be super dependable, these days it is no longer as reliable as it once was. While I will ship this in a timely fashion, the post office may deliver First Class mail up to four weeks after it was mailed.
A more reliable way of getting this through the PO is to select Priority Mail. It will cost around $4 more, but it should arrive more reliably than our old friend First Class does these days. Priority is still not a delivery-time guarantee, but Priority does seem to be getting through with less delay than First Class.
The absolute, most-dependable shipping right now is by way of UPS. UPS is only slightly more than Priority Mail right now.
I'll send this whichever way you select, just be aware that if you choose the postal service right right now, you might experience a several weeks' delay.